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Leventon earned the coveted MDSAP certification in April 2021

September 17, 2021


Leventon earned the coveted MDSAP certification in April 2021, which represents a further step in our model of excellence.

What is MDSAP?

The MDSAP (Medical Device Single Audit Program) is a regulatory certification recognized by the Authorities of five countries: United States (FDA), Australia (TGA), Canada (Health Canada), Brazil (ANVISA) and Japan (PMDA and MHLW).
Other countries are adhered to MDSAP as Affiliate Members (Korea, Argentina, Singapore) and as Official Observers (EU, UK).



Why is this important?

In the MDSAP countries, it reaffirms the quality of our products, already on the market for years.
In countries outside the MDSAP scope, this recognition consolidates our prestige and reinforces our ongoing commitment to maintaining the highest quality assurance standards.


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